The next adventure
The adventures of Skipper Splodge and mack
Ian Cheek
Thu 19 Jun 2014 20:47
Skipper Splodge and Mack are planning their next adventure.
Yacht Gaia owned by John and Mark will be the expedition vessel, with its 5 man crew.
Ian Cheek Mark Davies John Day and of course Skipper Splodge and Mack
Are planning to set off from Conwy, with a mission to get to la Coruna Northern Spain. Mark will be navigating, and for this voyage navigating using astro navigation. Skipper Splodge has given his advice, "sail to the Fastnet rock, then go South for 3 1/2 days then turn left". Mack has said to stop at Cork on the way for a Guinness.
Weather is looking good for setting of this Monday |