Sunny and windy "50:59.21N 13:13.15W"

The adventures of Skipper Splodge and mack
Ian Cheek
Thu 27 May 2010 12:16
Well the last 24 hours have been adventure, it has
left all of us very very tired. After passing Fastnet, we headed for M3, the
wind picked up which was good, and we made good time to the buoy which we passed
at 1650 yesterday. Didn't stop, did have a little photo session
Reefed the headsail, and furled the main away, and
headed on for K2, the sea was quite choppy, and made for long night hand
steering. We all feel like we have had a 3 hour workout in the gym. We didn't
get a lot of sleep either, so this is why we are all tired.
Wind has died away, and the sea has turn into a
lovely blue, with long swell as you would expect, so boat as settled down, and
steering is a little less effort.
A few breakages, one of the oil lamps, and the
The next buoy should be in sight once I've finished
this update