The Morning in Crosshaven

The adventures of Skipper Splodge and mack
Ian Cheek
Tue 25 May 2010 13:30
A good night sleep had by all, and a leisurely
breakfast. The list of jobs for the day.
1. Fix Toilet (a must)
2. Calculate Fuel usage
3. Fresh food/water reorganise and
4. Dinner
5. Engine check
The toilet has now been fixed, Joe mentioned last
night how easy it would be for us to replace the spare assembly we had, and how
it would be much better if we had the twist and lock assembly, so Joe got
volunteered for the job. we have a new spares kit just in case the new one goes.
Just not up for using a bucket.
Using our expensive fuel gauge, a broom handle
marked in 2cm increments, we had used 14cm of fuel, still awake, to cut a long
story, we seem to be using 2.5lts per hour at 1800 rpm, 4kts. Better than
expected of 4lt/hour.
The decks have been washed, fuel replenished, water
replenished, even a bit of hovering down below. Just having a cup of T then get
the boat ready then we are off. Weather looking good, NE posiable 20kts which
will blow us nicely to the West, approx 60 miles to the Fastnet Rock, so if we
leave at 1600 today, we should be passing it just as the sun comes up tommorow
So this is it leg one completed, now leg 2
Obviously while all the work was being done,
Skipper Splodge, and Mack went sight seeing in Crosshaven.