My kind of fishing

I’ve never been into fishing, as not a fish eater, but I have caught a few fish so far on this trip, and my technique of waiting for the fish to jump on board seems to be more effective, in time and money. Admittedly they are only small flying fish, and I’ve been told they are eatable, but not a lot of meat and plenty of bones. So we have not been eating them, but the fish slice is an effective tool to flip them back into the sea. Last nights watch I was only able to save 2 out of the 3 that jumped aboard, and there had been some that had jumped onto the front, which I had not seen. In total we must have had nearly 10 on the boat. If we had kept them then perhaps they would have made breakfast, as flying fish on toast. There has been no more fishing since the last two yellow fin tunas were caught, I was surprised at the cost of the lure, at £16, and that was just the lure, perhaps buying some fish boned and presented in a plastic carton covered in Clingfilm, and ready to eat or freeze, might have been more cost effective. Mind you with the slow progress we are making, we may need to live of fish, we have already been told to cut back on cereal in the morning. |