A day out

The adventures of Skipper Splodge and mack
Ian Cheek
Tue 5 Oct 2010 21:58

Today was a day sightseeing in Madeira, Richard and Alison hired a car so i tagged along as if i was a son who hadn’t left home, and was sponging on his parents for a holiday. First trip was to go for a little walk, well it was just like walking anywhere in Britain, so we soon got bored of that.

So then on to climb Madeiras highest peak of 1810m Pico do Arieiro, well there is one a little higher, but this one we could drive all the way to the top, and just like Snowdon, it had a cafe on the summit, along with a massive radar dome, and just like Snowdon it was covered in cloud.

So we had a drink and a sandwich in the cafe, and the sky cleared a little.

Then of to Funchai for dinner, a little drive round the town lost, until we drove down a street we had already been down before then we were on familiar ground. Parked leaving bread crumbs so we would have a chance to find the car after dinner.

Then back on the boat. Still umming and ahhring about going tomorrow.

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