A short trip

A short trip today over to Madeira, to the marina at Quinta do Lorde. Nothing broke on the boat so no mast work for me in the morning. Not sure who was skipper on the trip, so I was on the wheel so without discussion, I change course had the main put out (well after all my work I wanted to see if it would work), and sailed slightly upwind, so we would have to gybe a couple of time, but it would stop the rolling in the swell. We weren’t the only boat out, there were two boats behind us. One of which was soon in front of us (it did look however that they may have had a plan before leaving the last marina), the other soon caught up with us. My only defence was 1. We had a pleasant sail, 2. We didn’t break the rig, 3. We need the gybe practice. The marina looks nice if you don’t look at the industrial sight to the west, and they mentioned that they are 10km from the international airport in Madeira, but i think we get quite close to the aircraft as they fly over the marina at about 1000feet. |