Trains, Planes, and Yachts, the next leg begins

All packed, not that I have a lot, seems strange certainly for me (as those who know me know, i never go sailing light) only one bag, and not a lot in it. I have just loaded Joe with all the spares, so he may not get through customs when his bag is x-rayed, and they want to know why he is carrying 400 rivets, a rivet gun, some gas fittings, and a 24v solenoid, not the usually things you take on holiday. My bag has just got next years asto almanac, an electronic chart for the chartplotter covering the Caribbean, some 2b pencils, and some presents for Richard and Alison, (I’m hoping Richard and Alison don’t read the blog or the surprise is ruined), for Richard to keep him busy, a Lego police car, which comes with a policeman holding a speed camera, and for Alison a Blue Nose of her own.
So the plan. I’m going by train, and Joe has a Taxi booked, so we will see who makes it to the airport first. Then 4 hours on an airplane, to then hopefully meet up with another crew on the same plane heading to the marina to share a cab. Not sure if we should go direct to the boat, or stop for a beer first ? ? ? ?