First sun rise and beacon buttie

The adventures of Skipper Splodge and mack
Ian Cheek
Fri 24 Sep 2010 08:09

First time on the 6am to 9am watch, so my first sunrise of the trip, a little cloudy, so didn't see the sun come up over the horizon, just the clouds low on the horizon glowing until the sun cleared those clouds.


Alison on mother watch, one of her first duty was beacon butties for the on watch crew, Richard off watch and asleep, surprised the smell of beacon didn't bring him rushing to the deck.


The wind has now gone to the north, so we are under headsail only, as a result we have slowed down and at the mercy of the swell, which is rolling the boat around quite unpleasantly.


Looks like it will be another nice day, and getting warmer, Frans has abandoned his thermals, and I'm wearing one less fleece, soon be shorts and T shirts