no smoke no fire!

Tue 28 Sep 2010 20:33
A. Just when you think you have seen the worst, things can get more worse!
After motoring a few hours, we went sailing, arriving at Malaga at lets say, spanish lunch time. We anchored way away from the huge commercial container/freight harbor, and enjoyed a bumpy ride in the dinghy with Bf5 back into this harbor :) about 20 minutes open sea.
Did a quick tour, had some food, no shopping, more touring, and back to the dinghy. Another rough ride back, but this time WITH the waves, and we were surfing dudes! Back on board, on we went, reef 2 in, 7 knots on the meter, things were looking good.
After dodging an enormous amount of buoys and fishing nets, we arrived at Banalmadena, a huge marina just passed Torremolinos, flats next to the airport. Getting ready to prepare for entering the marina at about 1900, it was yet again time to start the engine. And, as always after a days sailing, nothing, no pasa nada!
Trained as we are by now, we did not panic, and instead patiently tried a few minutes later a few more times, and a few more times… And then G stated, "I smell something BURNING! "Now there was panic in da' house. The engine suddenly had started, but apparently something was being fried. We quickly grabbed the fire extinguisher, and decided NOT to open the engine room-door, but instead, first search the boat for fire. Fire we did not find. Also no smoke, but a penetrant smell of burnt plastic or melted something. We decided to let the engine run, and only open the door once safe ini the marina. And what is now worse, here in the marina, we cannot even find the burning smelling 'something' anywhere… But, do we dare to sail tomorrow and possible have a worse experience thereafter when starting the engine? We'll know tomorrow…