1.30am wake up call

Sun 25 Jul 2010 20:12
Wakey wakey, rise and shine!
We made fast to a mooring in Otok (Island) Kakan yesterday as already stated, and at 1.30am the anchor alarm went off. Panic? No. We just assumed false alarm. This was a safe assessment, becuase I had not been able to sleep due to the immense noise outside on and around the boat. I just kept my promise with G to wake her up if things needed to be checked outside. There we went, taking in lines from the jib, topping lift AND rod kicker. Anything to stop the noise. Some effect, not all. After a drink and a look at the almost full moon and the choppy sea, we went back to bed.
This morning then. 6.30, time to wake up, again due to the noise. Got my coffee, checked the weather. More wind, 4-7 Bf for the day. I waited for G to awake, we then jointly waited for the wind to get steady below 7 Bf. This took until 1230. We immediately took off. This was after G was covered by the 100c hot coffee that blew of the table outside, so we had a first check into our EHBO box... nothing for skin burns. Ice creams it is! Put 3 icecreams in a ziploc, added some cold water, and after 30 seconds, a cold blub of water was held for at least 10 minutes to the burned area, nothing to call the hospital for.
We let loose of the mooring, without sails up, the boat made speed immediately, turning itself into the wind. This was not according to plan, as at that direction 3 other boats were moored.. Lots of revs with the engine, pffew. Let out about 75% of the jib, no engine. The boat accelerated. This was the point were we re-synced on the real wind... Yes it was about 5 when we released the mooring, now it was back at 7 Bf. With a small jib we quickly did 7.5 knots!
Aiming for Vis.
Vis, on the compass, was just pointing 150 degrees TRUE, I think 143 Magnetic, there we went. This was a 47 Mile straight line trip. Computer on board stated 2200 with the given route, which we then changed to become more a direct line. 1930 we anchored. Long day, too much sun, we ran out of sunblock.
So now here we are. Still puzzling about the hints we have in several books about how to interpret waves. They say that when the water is blown of the top of the waves, its really windy, and they are right!
Fruit for diner, peanuts for desert, live is good!