1st 24 hours

Mon 22 Nov 2010 11:39
A. Almost 24 hours in the race. E is still a bit sick, same for me, but we're going strong :)
I tried to include a picture of the board computer, where you can see how many boats are sailing around us, but the file is too big. The picture shows that we started fairly late, and most boats were ahead of us. I have not seen our current position, but yesterday I think we were nr 100 out of 169 cruising boats at the start.
We then started off with a 4 hour shift, 2 persons each, and last night was easy, about 10 boats around us that we could see. The shifts start officially at 8 and Hn and I worked the 00:00 - 04:00 and 08:00 - 12:00 shift.
It's pretty warm, the wind did not completely die down last night, so all in all we made good progress. The wind is justy a bit undecisive about exactly it wants to blow from. This caused so far 1 little guiding wheel to be torn of the boat, when a snatch block accidentally openened itself, luckily the PARASAILOR sail stayed in tact. This means we had to get the sail down, and repair it's halyard
Hopefully all this works, and will we also be able to get the latest weather report and a list of who is where in the race. E just let out the fishing gear, so maybe we get lucky with sushi!!!