Floating coffins and crashing boats

Tue 28 Sep 2010 09:53
36:42.5N 04:24.5W G: I'm not only the champion of sleeping, but also the champion of dreaming. I try not to bore you with my dreams, but as these were all 'water related', I figured I'll just fill a page with my brain nonsense. Feel free to skip this story of a very busy night... We entered our hotel room in a small old hotel. The room was filled with little doors in the walls and I hoped that no monsters would enter the room while I was asleep. The bed was very strange. It was completely made of glass and looked like a very narrow 2 person coffin. Next to the bed was a table with maps and I could read 3 of them, 'River', 'Meadow' and 'Forest'. I thought it was just decoration so did not pay further attention to them. In the middle of the night we were woken up by movements of our bed. I turned my head and looked trough the glass wall. It looked very nice, we were floating down a River and there were beautiful flowers everywhere. We were just laying in bed, looking around, every now and then we sped up by a flow acceleration in the river. After a while the ride finished and I was hoping for the Forest tour next. But they had chosen the Meadow in stead. Fresh grass and little lambs everywhere. After a while I wondered how we got our speed, moving forward so fast. As we were in little canals, nothing really to speed us up. So I lifted my head and looked over my toes to see what was in front of us. Ah, I see..., a guy in a canoe (including a canoe-helmet, safety first), towing our little coffin. That explains! (?!?) But then I was woken up by voices and people shouting. I got up and when I was walking upstairs to the cabin, I could see a lot of people in panic pointing to our boat. For some reason we were in the middle of a big town, floating rudderless towards big buildings. "You will hit them", "You will crash" they all shouted. I considered panicking, but stayed cool and took the starter key from my pocket and lifted it in the air for them to see. They applauded and cheered me on and for a moment I felt like "Mega Mindy". Then panic came anyway; What if it won't start?? Kind of like a Super Hero in pyjamas... But it started, and for a few seconds I had it all under control. That was it... just a few seconds. Huge waves blew me on a rock and the boat was stuck. Waves were banging the sides and water was floating over the decks. I could see my passport, papers and wallet floating towards the open sea... Then I woke up (2). It was 4:00 and the wind had increased. Dishes in the sink started to move and make noise, and at that moment the anchor alarm went off. We jumped out of bed and A checked the status outside. We had considered to do a night trip one of these days, so I figured since we were up and running anyways, this was the moment, and I got dressed. Back to bed would mean returning to a boat in a way worse status than we were in now, so I preferred being awake. But A did not want to sail as it was too cold. So as a compromise he would bake a bread and would wake us at 5 with warm fresh bread. We woke up at 8 and ate some cold slices of bread on our way to Malaga... |