Land in sight/zicht

Sat 23 Oct 2010 15:10
After a succesful landfall at 9.15, thus 96 hours sailing from Gibraltar to Isla Graciosa, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, we did oberal 552 miles, 5.85 knots.
Yesterday after 72 hours fishing we finally got a sea animal attached to the hook, but in a brisk move, S made a unique manouevre allowing to be disconnected and break free with a full set of lure, lead and tackle, resulting in a uniquely pimped fish with lots of bling. Indeed, S is a vegetarian :)
So much so that after repeatingly chasing out a lovely poor tired mother bird with lots of mini birds, courageously collectong food for her nest, S was able to corner Calimero, squeeze it, and then dodge ball her towards the Moroccan coast. She now lives happily in Agadir.
Then, as S suffers adhd, he pumped up the tender, single handedly mounted the outboard, and then left at full speed, without his phone, the marifoon/vhf, peddles, a plan and without enough fuel.
About one hour later A, from H&A, spotted a dinghy without a occupant. Stronger, our dinghy without an occupant. Yes it was S in the water, about