
Wed 7 Jul 2010 21:38
G: This morning we were woken up at 8 by Alex, the handyman, to fix some issues on board. As Alex does not speak any English, we assumed that his nodding and thumbs up meant that the anchor, shower drain and gas are all fixed and working well. We did not have time to verify, as we still had to unpack and install our stuff and try to fix a pipe underneath the deck that I (G) already molested in attempt to install a better solution... Ambitious as I am ;)

Spend the rest of the day moving stuff around (and around again... and again) and wishing all the cabinets were bigger. Is the boat too small, or do we simply have too much stuff? Worst thing, we did not even sail, so imagine what we all find missing if we finally do...

In the afternoon we did some more shopping while we already knew that the boat is already stuff up to the ceiling... but magic tape and marshmallow cookies are just necessities, don't leave home without them. Unfortunately the chandlery was already closed so we still have to buy some big venders, curtesy flags etc.

Back at the boat at 18:30 so time to prepare for the soccer game Germany - Spain, which Spain won 0 - 1. So, coming Sunday we'll be in the finals against Spain, A says it'll be 2 - 0 for us, but I'm not so sure...

Now I'm sitting outside (23 degrees) with a candle and a glass of wine. Ooooh, I did not tell about the hooker-lights...! We have very cool floor lighting along the kitchen floor, stairs and bed, but it being red makes it seem a bit of a floating brothel by night :)