Time to head west

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Fri 3 Nov 2023 08:48
After a lovely week anchored at the same spot in Kastelorizo it was time to leave (Kastelorizo is now my favourite allthough San Torini is still Mercedes favourite).
Since the Red Sea now was out of plans the nose of Dora Mac was now pointing west.
Wanting to visit Crete we headed over Karpathos to the Spinalonga Bay on the eastern side of Crete (198Nm).
Circumstances were good and we never needed to launch the paravanes.
Landfall was made in darkness and the entrance to the Spinalonga Bay must be handled with caution since it´s narrow and shallow (we had 3,8mtrs under the keel).
Already driving the dinghy from the Blue Cave in Kastelorizo our Tohatsu 9,8Hp outboard lost power and hardly made it back to Dora Mac.
Since this has happened with same symtoms several times before caused by dirt in the carburettor I took it apart for cleaning but found nothing wrong.
Contacting a mechanic (George from Nikolaos Marina) he brought it to his workshop for repair but returned it without finding what`s wrong with the words "This is a deeper problem and an old engine. Buy a new one " 
Since the Tohatsu 9,8Hp 2-stroke has a very good reputation I will give it one more chance in Malta. Compression,carburettor and spark plugs were all ok.

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