Diving Ustica

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Sat 13 Apr 2024 16:11
Being in an unstable weathersituation in an exposed harbour, we decided to use the time and go diving already day after arrival.
Doing some research P.ta Falconeria seemed to be a good first dive for the season. Gathering all equipment,charging batteries putting cameras together,and launching the dinghy, took time as allways the first dive of the year but after lunch we were on our way to P.ta Falconeria.
We needed to moor the dinghy by diving and secure the anchor. The dive was a 24m/40min´s dive along a drop off with plenty of fish,quite good visibility,but unfortunately no lobster (strictly forbidden to catch). We were both a bit "rusty" this first dive for the season but it gave appetite for more.

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