Crossing the Aegean dropping anchor in Kleftico beach

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Thu 1 Jun 2023 19:05
We headed to sea in the evening June 1 and rounding Peloponnesos we dropped anchor in darkness in the bay of O.Sarakiniko for a couple of hours sleep. After morningbath and breakfast we passed the infamous Cape Maleas (with quite disturbed seas) and out on the open Aegean Sea bound for Milos (160Nm).
At 03.15 we dropped anchor on the southcoast of Milos and in the morning we managed to tug the boat further into Kleftico Beach dropping anchor at 5mtrs with good holding.
Kleftico beach is a well renowned anchorage in Milos very popular with charterboats which is the backside of this beautiful place. In the evening though traffic is scarce and the anchorage beautiful full of caves and tunnels perfect for paddleboards.
Bianca is a very curious dog,but she`s not happy on paddleboards.

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