Future without soul

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Wed 10 Jan 2024 18:43
Still 60 years ago in my part of the world the young were growing up in a christian narrative. That meant that there was something higher than yourself and an important part of that narrative was also that you needed to be kind,brave and generous to be favoured by god. When god was thrown out in many countries due to socialism still the community was something higher than yourself.
Today living in a sort of Hennes & Mauritz/Sara culture, churches have been replaced by shopping malls and there´s nothing higher than yourself. Social media have become powerful tools to brand yourself and there`s no deeper meaning to life than superficial activities to kick your dopamin system or at least stay out of boredom. No wonder then that beauty is one of all important and superficial attributes of todays society. The beautyindustry turns thousands of billions of dollars over every year and the strive for perfection in beauty is a gold mine for todays plastic surgeons. Now also artificial intelligence(AI) creates models who are perfect (first picture)which will probably increase the pressure on many young women of today (who as a group have significantly increased the frequency of depressions and suicide since introduction of social media).
The woman on the second picture (from the real world) had gone through several procedures of cosmetic surgery but was still not satisfied with the abdominal wall. Subsequently she underwent liposuction with the adverse complication of intestinal perforation,peritonitis and irreversible septic chock which ultimately lead to her death. Obviously underlying forces for perfect beauty are strong in todays society.
Since money has taken over the role of god and there will be LOADS of money to be made in AI business, that journey (wether you like it or not) has just started.
My major concern is that we continue our journey into a dehumanized society with further globalisation,centralisation,industrialisation, and anonymity with humans seen as products. If that concern comes true, AI will further fuel our journey to hell.(Don´t blame the politicians-they lost control long time ago)
The French nobelprizer in litterature,Albert Camus, was fighting against dehumanization. According to Camus one of humanitys major virtues is the ability to stand against dehumanizing development."A virtue requiring courage and wisdom to stand against the lie"

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