Filling diesel Yasmine Marina Hammamet

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Thu 8 Feb 2024 18:46
Last time we did a major fuel top up was in Gibraltar September 2022. Now it was time again and that was also one reason for heading to Tunisia where fuel prices are low.
Already before departing Malta we made a deal with the Capitainerie at Yasmine Marina regarding purchase of 4.000ltr of diesel.
In internet you find that payment must be made in cash /Tunisian dinars but we were guaranteed that creditcard would be accepted allthough to an extra cost of 5%.
We filled up 3.700litres of diesel (ultra low sulphur) to a price of 0,71 Eu (including creditcard charges) which is the best price you find in the whole Mediterranean at the moment. The filling up procedure went smooth and payment with creditcard at the office was straight forward.
Planning departure from Tunisia early morning, we were advised to moore by the Capitainerie for customs clearance in the morning.

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