
South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Mon 11 Jul 2022 19:03
As mentioned before visibility is heavily reduced by fog 1 day out of 10 in July and August in these cruisinggrounds.
Departing Pedras Negras for the village of Muros in Ria de Muros to the north we were surrounded by dense fog as soon as leaving port.
With radarnavigation,AIS and the foghorn yelling every second minute you will make your way forward with reasonable safety. It happened once though that a small motorboat passed close to us in the fog and we never saw him on the radar.
Another even worse problem are all musselfarms which are so abundant in Rias Baixas. They cannot be seen on the radar and the only way to detect them is with a sharp lookout. We use the Windyapp for prognosis of fog and so far it has been reliable.
Once approaching Muros the fog disappeared and we dropped anchor in the bay just north of town.

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