Plymmitri Bay and wreckdiving

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Sat 21 Oct 2023 18:30
Allthough disappointed with our cancelled Red Sea adventure with the upcoming war in the middleeast our decision to cancel appeared more and more sensible.
To give some comfort and to further test our new cameraequipment we headed south along the Rhodes coastline to Plymmitri Bay (40Nm).
In open sea outside Plymmitri Bay sank the Dutch Cargoship Giannoula K in a storm 1981.
Allthough in open sea , in settled weather it´s an easy dive with the deck of the wreck at 15mtrs and the deepest part of the bow at 22mtrs.
We spent 5 days in Plymmitri Bay and made several dives on Giannoula K. Blessed with settled weather we could take our dinghy out to the wreck and with good visibility the wreck is visible already from the surface with one mast almost reaching the surface.

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