Preparing for passage

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Wed 8 Nov 2023 08:18
Having up to 1knot of eastsetting current (increasing coming closer to Sicily/Malta strait) and headseas we estimated an avarage speed of no more than 5,5kts down to 5.
That meant up to almost 100hrs/4 days passage. We spent the day downloading latest weather from 3 different sources (Predictwind,Windy and Windfinder),fueltransfer,topping up watertanks, bunkering from the supermarket. I went to find marine grade grease (for propellershaft,jackshaft,and rudderaxis), and Mercedes made all dinners stored in vacuumboxes.
As a reward we got an aperol before early bedtime. From downloaded weather we knew that day 2-3 out on the Ionian Sea we would get 24-28kts of beamwinds with up to 2mtr seas but decreasing when approaching Malta. 

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