Yachtsmans Bible

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Sun 1 May 2022 13:34
We made landfall in Enkhuizen, a pittoresque historical city built in the golden ages of the 17th century with borders to both Ijsselmeer and Markenmeer.
Together with Hoorn and Medemblik it created what was called the Golden Triangle of welth belonging to the East India Company.
Today a charmy city with many museums,and cosey restaurants we went to the Suiderzee Museum which is well worth a visit.
It`s a museum characterizing the Dutch society from a historical perspective. Fishing,farming and trading seems to be central parts of Dutch history as well as an enormous welth in the 17th century when the East India company was sailing the world.
The best achievement in Enkhuizen though was to walk into a very well sorted Nautical Shop and find Reed`s !
In Sweden there are hardly any fysical nautical shops left anymore (everything is online) and trying to order Reed`s online I found out it was 4-6 weeks deliverytime.
Now we found this treasure lying openly in a fysical shop 
Reed`s is almost mandatory cruising through this part of Europoe, with loads of traffic separation zones,marine traffic regulations and above all-tide !
The marina in Enkhuizen was no good experience. They forced us to change place every day of our stay and seems to have bad supervision of availible places.
A much better alternative is probably to pass the bridge into the town basin.

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