From anodes to coastguard custody-unlikely chain of events(cont.)

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Sat 15 Jul 2023 17:22
We both woke up suddenly hearing people screaming .
Looking out we saw a bunch of navy officers screaming and Dora Mac hanging in her anchor 10mtrs away from a navy frigate moored in the navalbase !!
Running up in pyjama we started Dora Mac up and headed back to the bay of Lakki Port. 
During the night we had been dragging all over the bay,almost 1Nm and without hitting anything or anyone !
Dropping the anchor again we were full of adrenalin as well as releived for being so lucky of not hitting anyone.
The propellershaft/gearbox now sounded completely normal allthough a more thorrow check was planned for the day.

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