Adjusting to life on board again......

Wed 9 Jun 2021 02:44

After a frustrating night picking our way through the various islands, with all the wind shifts and wind shadows associated with such high mountains, we finally cleared them all at about 7.30 (UTC) this morning and since then have been storming along under full sails on a broad reach to our intended interim waypoint about 300 miles away.

Life on board is very comfortable as the boat is mainly flat and finally the clouds have cleared leaving us with a glorious day. We have all adjusted very quickly to going back into the watch system after our time ashore. James has just made a fabulous brunch of bacon and eggs, orange juice and fresh coffee....can it be anymore civilised than that ?

We have seen little traffic overnight, lots more dolphins but still no sign of whales despite keeping a constant watch for them. We have this wind strength and direction for the rest of the day and most of tomorrow before a couple of days of very light winds where we will probably have to motor to try to get through it. Hence you will see us moving further north to try to keep the wind as long as possible.

Up until early this morning we were amazed to find we still had phone signals and internet although that has now gone till we get much closer to Portugal.

As James said yesterday, those following the tracker can see us on the leg to Azores section as one of the boats (Maka )still hasn’t finished, however when that happens you should see us switch to one of the later legs to Lagos in a day or so.....

Just a short blog today as James covered most of the news in his blog last night

All the best to you all from the good ship Nina.....


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