Still Cracking Along

Tue 11 May 2021 01:39
195 Miles covered in 2nd 24 hours. Wind at about 15 knots and the perfect beam reach - for now. Some wind shifts to the South coming up so likely speed will drop a bit but no complaints.

Many thanks to Fish for the excellent position update. We now get one every day at midday from ARC but, Fishy an update on adjacent boats late in the day much appreciated. We can still see Be Love, the Amel 55, about 4 Miles behind and are determined to stay in front of this big girl. We are hoping lighter airs may allow us to slip away from the heavier boat.

So we are sitting in 3rd place behind J160 Big Bear and a Catamaran called Minimole. Happily they both have large handicap penalties, about 10% time added forBig Bear, so we are positioned nicely only a few miles behind them.

Wind and sea have calmed quite a bit. The sun is shining and I have just had a shower. Sitting in the cockpit writing this. Very relaxing. Nick helming, gently navigating the waves.

Bruvs is having a kip. Well earned as the Skipper overslept this morning and Matt did an extra stretch. I had got grumpy when he woke me 20 minutes before my watch started the day before, just as I had got into a deep sleep. I had assured him In very clear terms that I was quite capable of waking myself and would always be bang on time! Oh dear. He did look smug when I appeared late. Only way out of this embarrassment was to cook everyone bacon and eggs. All was forgiven.

So we have Be Love for company but not a ship, aircraft or anything else in sight otherwise. A beautiful ocean and sky will easily make do. Plus of course another wonderful day’s sailing.

All happy on board. Hope that is true for all at home

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