Ithaca - 3 September 2015 - 38:21.904N 020:44.213E

Charles & Maggie Bevis
Thu 3 Sep 2015 12:49
Greetings from the Med! Today we are anchored in a bay just south of Vathi - we have the bay to ourselves but share the beach with campers from a small site above the beach. The weather is glorious. Charlie swims a mooring line ashore. Since our last blog entry (from Galaxidi) we took a day trip up to the Temple complex at Delphi. A modern exhibit (This pose earn us a whistle from the guards!) This was our second visit - we were last there about 7 years ago. We found the site a disappointment, the outside areas are now heavily policed and over regulated; you are no longer to wander free but must stay within preordained paths and tracks policed by officious young ladies with whistles - needless to say we got whistled at and told off!! (see above). Some tourists just don’t take their visits seriously enough. Night watch on passage to Galaxidi. One of the sea creatures we saw in the gulf of Corinth From Galaxidi we sailed on to Trizonia on 30 August and then on to Messalonghi on Monday 31 - effectively retracing our steps of the week before to extricate ourselves from the Gulf of Corinth. Our sail on the Monday was spectacular and ALKIRA really showed us what she was capable of given the right conditions. We were regularly touching 10 knots and the best we achieved was 10.2 knots with a roaring wake. ALKIRA at speed We stayed just one night in Messalonghi before moving westward to Vathi on the island of Ithica. Vathi harbour seen from the pub! The day we arrived the place was heaving with visiting yachts but we were fine, anchored offshore. The second day brought our friends on PYXIS and a splendid but somewhat pricey meal was had.\ |