Camariñas 30 July - 43 0.80 N 09 10.33 W

Charles & Maggie Bevis
Tue 30 Jul 2013 20:39
Marinas are convenient, they provide a variety of facilities, some inevitably better than others. The more expensive ones are usually the ones that disappoint. Nevertheless, they're usually in good locations and provide easy access enabling you to go ashore and explore etc. Put them alongside a pretty anchorage though and they don't stand a chance.

We left our pretty anchorage of last night, opposite La Coruña at 7:30 this morning. The sun was just about to rise and everywhere was still and quiet. Clear blue skies and hardly a soul or another boat around, great.

It looked as though the wind was going to be in our favour for once and Charlie hastily lifted the anchor and set the sails. Hah, too good to be true alas as within half an hour, the wind had once again headed us and was coming from the south. We motor sailed for a good part of the day but by mid afternoon, had to put the sails away and motor once again. It'll blow in the right direction for us one day surely?

However, the day wasn't a failure by any means and we had several sightings of dolphins. To our delight, a large group of adult dolphins joined us late morning and were swimming within inches of us, two providing a wonderful escort at the bow on both port and starboard sides. They kept us entertained for quite a while and for once, we even managed to capture some of them on camera, not easy as usually once the camera comes out, they dive. Beautiful creatures and we just love seeing them and it's quite wonderful when they're swimming alongside us as we sail along.

A brief cloudy and chilly spell early afternoon but by 3 o'clock the skies cleared and we had a pleasant journey into our anchorage here at Camariñas. The scenery and coastline have been very different to the past weeks. Very little habitation and all very scenic. Once again there are hundreds of wind turbines along some parts of the coast and way upon the distant hills, but beautiful countryside nevertheless.

We have found a delightful place to drop anchor, total peace and quiet and calm. We have views all around us of hills, beaches and some scattered housing. The only blot on the landscape is the actual town itself. Although it's a small port, the apartments and homes are ugly and neither blend or look at all attractive. Fortunately there aren't too many of them and are situated within a relatively small area, otherwise, it's a lovely spot. We've just had dinner and the sun has now set.

The forecast looks good for tomorrow so we are going to bed with hopes of a good wind tomorrow and it blowing In the right direction for once!

Nighty night all...