Dolphins all around, Portugal on port beam

Fri 8 May 2009 10:53
41:08.81N 9:21.02W
A bit night of wind and waves - the wind blew twice what was forecast. We were running with the wind so the apparent was less than the true by 8-10knots, but we certainly noticed it when we turned into wind to reef and go onto the other tack. I went to the foredeck to sort something out and got a wave flat in the face - lovely. We took our first wave over the stern - a breaking wave catching us up at 8 knots! No sleep for anyone last night - just too bouncy and noisy and needing to brace yourself in any sleep position.
A thought to those ocean racers who go at least twice our speed and have freezing waters in the Southern Oceans - they are mad and I have no desire to go there - bay hopping in the Med is where I want to be! (although the adrenelin of this big sea/big wind/high speed sailing is quite addictive)  
Things have calmed down this morning and we have just been visited by a huge pod of Dolphins - 50+ came bouncing in from all around and stayed with us for 15 minutes - Pip took 150 photos from the bow so hopefully there will be some classics. We all really enjoy our now daily Dolphin visits and everyone gets up on deck to watch them play.
We have Portugal off the port beam now. Our current plans is to keep pushing south and turn the corner into the Algarve before our next trip ashore. All going well we should in a port there early Sunday morning.