Isla Graciosa to Calero
Christine's Atlantic Circuit
Peter Lansdale
Thu 15 Sep 2016 08:54
Having explored the town then had the obligatory sundowners and dinner on the boat, we had an overnight stay, during which at one point, the wind was blowing old boots (one of skipper's terms for wind speeds).
The following day was spent at anchor off Playa Francesca as previously mentioned. I also managed to get a couple of swims in whilst the two guys watched our antics being too wussy to swim off the boat. P and I went ashore to climb one of the many hills and were rewarded with spectacular views of Graciosa itself and outlying islands. Unfortunately all photographic equipment was inadvertently left behind on the boat so you will just have to take my word for the beauty of the area.
Having set off the next morning, Skip decided I should attempt a reverse figure of 8 manoeuvre (in a wide empty bit of sea). What a carry on! Maybe a case of running
before walking. Well at least it would have amused any onlookers from the few anchored boats.
Aquatic shenanigans complete, we set sail for our next port of call - Calero. Very bumpy and in places, short, seas for quite a bit of the journey. Another experience for me and handled OK. So far, so good - especially as I realised my anti-sickness patch had fallen off.
We are in Calero Marina now and are about to hold a "crew conference" as to where our next landfall will be. Apparently I have half a vote, commensurate with my sailing abilities. That would be the failed reverse figure of 8 then!
'Bye for now. Lynn
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