Landfall in Vivero

Christine's Atlantic Circuit
Peter Lansdale
Fri 1 Jul 2016 08:13
43:43.0N 07:35.3W First landfall after the first
reasonably long offshore passage and it was a delight to get here. The harbour
master welcomed us in and directed us to an excellent birth with a very long
finger which was after he decided that his first choice was too difficult to get
into. Also our first discount as a result of being ARC entrants. Beer and
sandwich at the bar followed by a lovely shower with the result that everyone is
now spread out chilling and avidly playing with mobiles.
We arrived here about 12.00 BST Thursday 30th after
motoring the last 2 hours directly upwind in a gentle breeze. Previously we had
an amicable conversation with a Spanish fisherman over the radio as I think he
was somewhat concerned to ensure we kept clear of his nets.
Very pleasant evening in town as there a fiesta in town.
Interesting meal as none of us speak Spanish and the waitress didn't speak
English so we were reduced to conversing via Google translate. Everything is
possible nowadays.
Off today to anchor in Ria de Cedeira but it looks like
we will be motoring. Peter L