Out of Port at Last
Christine's Atlantic Circuit
Peter Lansdale
Tue 13 Sep 2016 15:01
29:13.6N 13:30W
Yesterday we finally left Arrecife for La Graciosa after
I had been in port for 10 days since Peter N had left on the 3rd September.
Between then and the 8th I had quite enjoyed my time alone on board and had
thoroughly explored the town, with the rest of the time spent relaxing and
reading. I also hired a car for 3 days in order to pick up my new crew and
explore a little more widely.
Being in port had been interesting also because of
getting to know Carlos who owned the boat next door which he was preparing
to take home to Barcelona. He had bought his boat with the intention
of renovating it over the winter, so before he could leave he had a long list of
jobs, as we all do but his was of a different order of magnitude to mine. It
included, new halyards, new forestay and new chainplates. All 6 of the
chainplates had to be unbolted below and removed through the deck before
replacing with the new ones, which had taken him quite a few frustrating days to
get made.
I was keen to sail back to La Graciosa as it is an
interesting place for my new guests to see and around Lanzarote there are only a
limited number of places to go. As it is 25 miles up wind and up current from
Arrecife and the wind was blowing strongly from the usual direction, north, we
continued to relax in port until we had a forecast of light winds. With stories
of it taking 8 to 10 hours to get there, together with our previous experience
of trying to go north, we were up at 0600 and off we went. After 2 or so hours
motoring in the very light early morning wind and 3 hours sailing,
finishing with a reach we were in Caleto de Sebo in time for lunch (what's the
problem!!) The current appeared to have been in our favour all the way, I
really do not understand this area! Again we were welcomed to one of the
many spare berths by the security guard.
Today, Tuesday 13th we have motored round to Playa
Francesca and anchored so that we can go for a swim. Up to now only Sue has
ventured into the water as it is very cold.