A small town called Muxia
Christine's Atlantic Circuit
Peter Lansdale
Mon 4 Jul 2016 16:09
43:06.5N 09:12.4W
Had a very rapid sail across from Corme to here in
Muxia. Left this morning at about 0900, after a windy night at anchor, with the
sun shining and 20-25knts blowing from the NE. Once out of the bay it was
gusting 30knts and by the time we were rounding Capo Villano it was
blowing a continuous 30knts. Christine performed beautifully and it shows we
have a perfectly adequate sea boat for the journeys ahead.
The forecast for tomorrow is no better so we will be
having a lay day and hoping for an improvement afterwards so that we can have a
gentle sail around Cape Finisterre. We need to be in Muros for the end of the
week. Peter L