Running repairs and reports of medical assistance
Christine's Atlantic Circuit
Peter Lansdale
Sun 4 Dec 2016 14:53
15:10.7N 41:00.8W
A short while ago we were able to listen
to an exchange over the VHF radio between a French warship and a sailing
yacht. After much exchange about courses and positions the French warship
announced that they were launching a boat in order to go aboard the yacht. After
a distinct pause the yacht asked about the warships intentions, which were to
send 2 nurses and other personnel to assist with their disease. After the yacht
clearly stated that the 2 adults and 2 children were in good health it appeared
to transpire that the ship had called the wrong yacht. It disappeared with much
Gary carrying out much needed work to deal with the wear
and tear.
Good progress today after our poor night. &
knots at present under genniker alone.
Everyone always seems to like pictures of wildlife so
here's another for good measure.