18 06.538N 052 00.87W At sea Day 18 - are we there yet?

Sun 12 Feb 2012 13:41
Kts. We shook out the two reefs in the main this morning and to our relief
the sail went all the way up just fine. We're doing about 6 Kts in 15 kts
of wind wing on wing with not pole.
We had the last of our fresh fish last night. John make us a great fish
chowder. We also used up the last of our fresh potatoes. We have about
700 miles left to go. Looks like lots of rice and spamalope from here on
I have to do some planning for our next leg. Looks like Bill Stellin will
join us some place in Porto Rico, and Jesse Lenze will come on for a short
week in the Virgin Islands and help us sail over to Porto Rico. All is