38 36N 18 55W Heading 89 degrees 5 Kts

Sat 4 Jul 2009 12:08
Our weather has been nothing like the weather map. But so far that has been a good thing. Because the antenna tuner is not doing its thing I am unable to talk to Herb. I can only listen for boats near us and expect the same. We are getting so far out however that it's time we find a European station to contact. I am enjoying getting snippets of news from the folks back home. Sounds like the political front is starting to simmer back in Florida.
Just an observation on bread. Not much to do out here. We bought a bunch of bread in the Azores and it is starting to mold after only four days. We ate the last piece of Marietta bread we bought at the Food Lion in OP about a week ago and it was still fine? Dead sea bread? Must be the water! George is making BLT's for lunch i.e. the interest in the bread - time to eat it up. Of course the stuff I made doesn't last long enough to get cool. Breakfast is ready, that means Chris will be waking up soon.
I think Matt's lady is opening a new store in Bar Harbor, ME today... we all wish her success. I am sure she can find something for a biochemist to do around the store when Matt gets back.
All is well...