38 07.369N 013 22.223E Palermo, Scicily

Tue 20 Apr 2010 16:10
. Had a great sail coming into the harbor - beam reach in 13 knots of wind doing 7-8 KTS in the sunshine with dolphins on the bow wave!
Great wild life story. About half way across a pair of sparrows boarded the boat. On nested up; front someplace the other tried several perches on top of heads on my shoulder and eventual spent the night in Antony's watch hat. They stayed with us through most of the next day. We had to evict one from down below even. Saw several more pods of dolphin.
We are all showering and getting ready to go ashore for that 'cheese burger in paradise' after two full days and change on the boat. Filled up with fuel and had our choice of two marina docks. We picked the one with the best security. I was also able to get an estimate to leave Pipedream here for the summer out of the water. We'll see. We plan to explore the city for maybe two days and then start moving east across the top of Sicily. Maybe head north through the Aeolian islands after renting a car and seeing the volcano south of Messina. Stay tuned...