40 39.438N 029 40.147E Saraylar, Marmara Island, Turkey

Sat 18 Jun 2011 21:03
Wednesday we should have gusts to 28 kts. Which would be doable except that
it is usually at least 10 kts higher and sometimes more which is the kind of
wind you don't leave in on purpose. So we are covering as mush ground as we
can before the blow and hope to make Canakale where we can spend a few days
safely waiting it out and still have something to see.
We made Saraylar which is a port recommended by other sailors on the north
side of Marmara Island. There are marble quarries here that have been in
use from the Greek days. Mary made the comment that maybe the marble for
the David was taken from here. When we came in the quarries are the whole
length of this side of the island. Big facility and the harbor pretty much
just for the marble business. There is supposed to be an outdoor mueasum
here of the 'seconds' ... projects started by cutters and then oops... the
chisel slips or the marble is flawed when you cut to a certain point.
We anchored in a little off shoot bay with a couple of other sail boats.
This would not be a good place in a big blow however and one is comming so
we have to move on smartly. Sailing today started out good but then
deteriorated to at times dead calm and mostly a gentle breeze on the nose as
usual. The wind is supposed to be out of the north east all but 14 days in
the summer. I guess we are exceptional and got mostly a west wind today.
We should pick up the current running our way tomorrow... I'll be very
impressed if that has tuned around against us like the wind. Just about
asleep.. more later.