27 00.110N 016 51.812W At sea

Wed 25 Jan 2012 13:42
heading SW hopefully into the trade winds. (too much wind... not enough) I
wonder how Columbus did this part? big oars?
The high point of yesterday was John catching a three pound Bonita about a
mile out. Our fisherman declared it a trash fish and threw it back... shades
of Rock Bass where I come from. At least we caught a fish... first one on
Pipedream since John Burwell and I hooked up a pretty big barracuda off the
Bahamas. Since then we have towed lures literally thousands of mile with
nothing to show besides a tired lure with the paint worn off.
Last night we had a chef's salad for dinner. That's where you take
everything in the frig that has been there a bit too long and make a big
salad out of it. Smother it all in balsamic vinegar and everything tastes
pretty darn good. I made soup and pasta in olive oil and garlic for lunch
George officiated at our first message in a bottle ceremony. After we kill
a bottle of wine we right a message with our contact info, seal it in the
bottle, and toss it over the side. Our first one from three years ago was
called in about two weeks before I left the US for Spain on this leg. It
was dropped a couple hundred miles off the coast of South Carolina and found
on a beach in the Canary Islands.
The weather has finally warmed up some. We are all sitting up on deck in
shorts and tee shirts. A far cry from two days ago when it was wool socks
and Polypropylene long John's.
Before we left Las Palmas we tried to spend all our Euros. I have a big bag
of change on board with almost 3 years of tossing change in it. We took it
to the internet bar and counted out 39 Euros in neatly stacked piles of
change. They would not take it as payment. I told the owner that when we
got back to the US we would be telling everyone that the Euro is in such bad
shape that they would not take them in Las Palmas!