35 53.41N 005 18.83 N Safely Arrived Ceuta, Spain-Africa

Sat 14 Jan 2012 14:05
dock. Fuel was only 1.14 Euro per liter which works out to be about $6.00
per gallon... the cheapest fuel I've bought in three years! The place has a
nice working marina feel to it. Not many big sail boats here. No one
speaks English. There is a McDonalds with free Wi-Fi just up the hill.
Unfortunately my email program is chocking up. I could not send out the
last general blog to everyone but it did make the pipedream.mailasail.com
blog. I am working on it and will see if this one makes it out.
The short wave radio email has been working well from here however and if
you need to raise us send a copy at KD9NR {CHANGE TO AT} winlink {DOT} com .
There is a storm due in along our next 6 day leg to the Canaries. Could be
35 kts and 12 foot seas blowing onto the coast of Africa. So we are working
with Bob, the weather guy, to find the best opening. We also have to
transit the straights and need to line up the wind and currents/tides right
to get out. So we are taking a weather hold here for a few days and perhaps
until the 20th. More later...