Pete & Bo visit

Saturday 16th March 2019 So, the work on the boat is almost done, and we moved back onboard a few days ago, just as our old yachtie friends from Turkey arrived in Langkawi. The plan had been to take them sailing, but sadly the timing didn’t quite work out, as we launch on Monday, the day after they leave. Typical. However, the bad timing didn’t stop us having a great time just hanging out with them and enjoying a meal and a drink or two. They came over to Rebak and enjoyed the pool, the beach and the cocktails. We went to their hotel in Cenang and also enjoyed the pool, the beach and the cocktails. We worked on putting the boat back to rights and supervising ongoing repairs – both engine alternators still had to be replaced - until mid-afternoon, and then spent the rest of the days catching up with our friends and dining out.
Cocktails on the beach at Rebak. Cocktails in the pool at the Camar. Tomorrow they head back to Penang for a few days before heading off to Dubai, while we will finish getting the boat ready for launch. She has been on the hard for sixteen months, and I’m sure she will give an audible sigh as she gently eases back into the water. Meanwhile, we will be scurrying around the bilges making sure we haven’t left any through-hulls open or that she hasn’t sprung a leak! |