Scott-Free’s blog
Steve & Chris
Sat 4 May 2013 23:32
Saturday 4th May 2013
Distance run so far: 296
Distance run Day 3: 110
Total distance run: 406 nmiles
After rather slow progress yesterday, the wind has died further today and we have spent much of the day bimbling around in 3-5 knots of wind. The seas are calm but there is sill a swell so the boat is constantly moving.
We spent the morning rigging the headsail poles and have had both headsails poled out in the hope of catching some wind, but our speed is 2-3 knots, and one of that is current!
But the sun is shining and so we took advantage of the relative calm to have a shower and do some laundry. The water tanks overflowed yesterday when we ran the watermaker so we are not short of water, and the thought of having dirty clothes laying around for weeks is not an attractive one!
We were able to eat a civilised lunch on the cockpit table (more yummy dorado - this time with salad) without fear of losing the plate over the edge. So every cloud etc etc.
We downloaded a GRIB file which told us that the wind will not fill in again until tomorrow (fingers crossed), so it looks like we won't be going far in the night. Since noon today we have made 17 nmiles. Could be a long passage....
So if anybody out there would like to send us an email or message us on FB (we'll get the message as an email) all communication would be welcome.