Day sail to Rinca Island

08:39.125S 119:42.796E Thursday 7th September 2017 Distance run: 17nm Actually it was a day motor rather than a day sail to Loh
Buaya on Rinca Island, as once again there was no wind. Steve was meant
to be on a dive trip today, but had a stomach upset that kept him in the loo
for much of the night, so he cancelled. Bob and Sue managed to top up
with diesel early, so after a trip ashore to get some fresh fruit, veggies and
bread, by lunchtime we were all ready to leave. We arrived in the anchorage at Loh Buaya soon after 5 p.m.,
dropped the anchor, launched the dinghy and tried to take a line ashore to tie
back to the mangroves as per the instructions in the pilot book. It was
low tide and there were a couple of metres of thick, gloopy mud to get through
to reach the mangroves, so in the end we gave up on that idea and just swung as
usual. We went ashore to see about tickets and a guide for early
tomorrow, but by that time it was all closed up. So we made a plan to
meet ashore at 0700, and settled back on the boats to enjoy a calm, peaceful
night in the very protected anchorage. |