Likuliku Bay, Waya
17:16.597S 177:06.249E Thursday 20th August 2015 Distance run: 39 nmiles It was good to be back on the boat and on the move again. The first part of the passage involved motoring a slalom course between reefs as we made our way to and out of the north pass at Malolo Island. We had spent part of yesterday evening plotting waypoints using Google Earth, so we knew where to look for the reefs, and with the sun shining it was easy to see the different colours of the water as we threaded our way through to (slightly) clearer water. With a light wind on the nose, there was no chance of sailing so we motored all the way to the most southern of the Yasawa group of islands, Waya, passing many smaller islands and islets on the way. We arrived at the south anchorage around 15:00 and decided to continue to Likuliku Bay, another 5 nmiles up the west coast. We arrived at Likuliku an hour later with just enough light to find the gap in the reef, and were soon safely anchored. The sun goes down as Beez Neez settles for the night at anchor. Limestone outcrops loom over the Octopus Resort in Likuliku Bay, |