Suwarrow photos (2)
On the ocean side of Anchorage Island. Charlie feeding the sharks.
A black-tipped reef shark and a grey shark waiting to be fed. Peter on Offshore Haven gave us this whopper.
Steve swam with manta rays – these ones were not feeding, they came to be cleaned.
We visited Gull Island with Charlie. Young birds were everywhere, each sitting on its own nest.
An egg about to hatch – where is Mum? Feed me!
This hatchling struggles all by itself. This one is firmly protected.
A red-footed booby and chick. Another old bird.
Charlie drives us on to Seven Islands a typical sand and palm tree island.
A young coconut crab with a healthy appetite! An adult coconut crab – look at those claws!
Suwarrow anchorage in the fading afternoon light S-F with anchor light on so we can find her in the dark. |