Back to Antigua - Dickenson Bay

Scott-Free’s blog
Steve & Chris
Mon 28 Mar 2011 20:46
Monday 28th March
A reasonably early
start for the 30 miles back to Antigua. The biggest disappointment was that the
wind had come round to the SE and so we were beating back in rather lumpy seas.
This meant that the fishing that Steve and James had looked forward to, having
prepared the line with the horrid pink lure kindly donated by Rob from
Serafina, was not really a very attractive proposition.
We arrived in
Dickenson Bay in the North West corner of Antigua in time for a late lunch.We
found a suitable spot and dropped the anchor, much to the annoyance of half a
dozen idiots on jetskis who then spent the next ten minutes coming as close to
us as possible, probably in the hope that we would go away. We knew,
however, that their time would soon be up, so we bided and time and sure enough
they soon went away.
We took the rib
ashore and stopped for a beer on the beach before going for a walk along the
lovely sandy beach. We found a very nice bar/restaurant and decided to
stay for supper and to watch the sun go down.