Farewell Gala Dinner

Wednesday 26th July 2017 Today we chilled out a bit after a couple of hectic days,
then went ashore at 4 o’clock to get the coach to a beach resort
for the Farewell Gala dinner. It was a long drive which crossed the
island from west coast to east coast (Debut to Langurr) and then turned left
and went from the east coast back to the west coast, north of Debut.
Clearly there was no road straight there. After more than half an hour on
the lumpy roads I was beginning to wonder whether it was a good idea coming,
but when we eventually arrived at the pristine white sand beach, I instantly
changed my mind. It was beautiful! We signed in and were handed Bintang beers and a
traditionally woven neck scarf each, and then the traditional dancing
began. That was followed by modern dancing, which everyone was invited to
join. An hour or so later, the dancing stopped and the speeches
started. Thankfully they were not too long, and then it was time for
supper. The Bintangs kept flowing, the food was good, and the dancing
started up again soon afterwards. Boy, do the locals like to dance! By 9
o’clock we were wilting, so we went to find a coach for the ride
Beautiful white sand
The evening started with traditional dancing.
Then the “band” took over and the modern
The white t-shirts headed a line of dancers around the beach.
Steve posed with the traditional
As darkness fell, it turned into an outdoor nightclub. |