Birthday in Windy Wellie

Scott-Free’s blog
Steve & Chris
Sat 1 Feb 2014 23:59
We arrived in Wellington late yesterday afternoon, and after some time spent driving around the one-way streets we eventually found the hotel and managed to park fairly close by. The hotel room was not as luxurious as the last one, but fine, and centrally located so we didn't need the car.
This morning I woke up feeling every one of my 59 years, but after a fairly substantial breakfast set off to explore windy Wellington. We made first for the cable car, which took us to the top of a hill overlooking the harbour, and then wandered at a leisurely pace back down through the botanical gardens, stopping for a picnic lunch along the way.
Back at sea level, we strolled along the quayside, heading for the Te Papa Museum. There we spent an enjoyable couple of hours among the exhibits of Kiwi history, before stopping for an al fresco sundowner at a quayside pub.
Dinner was at a little Malaysian place on the way back to the hotel. We didn't really know what we were ordering, but it turned out to be very tasty!
Enjoying the view over windy Wellington.
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