Day 13 landfall in Malta
Scott-Free’s blog
Steve & Chris
Fri 23 Jul 2010 11:06
Friday 23rd
Distance run in 24
hours 103
Total distance run
Having decided we
could now afford to motor the last 50 miles or so, the wind picked up and gave
us a hearty 11-12 knots, and it seemed a fitting end to our longest passage yet
to sail the last leg into Valetta.
The radio had been
chuntering away in the background throughout the trip and we had taken little
notice of it, when suddenly we heard "Scott-Free, Scott-Free, Scott-Free, this
is Serafina, Serafina, over." We hastened to answer, and on
switching to another channel then heard "Scott-Free, Scott-Free this is
Apparition"! Having heard nothing from anyone for a week, we were suddenly
in demand! Rob & Sarah had apparently been calling every day in the
hope of hearing from us,and Rico & Jackson on Appariton were just, by
chance, arriving in Malta at the same time as us and heard their call. It
was great to have contact again with both of them.
We finally arrived
in Valetta harbour mid-afternoon and it was good to see Rob & Sarah on the
pontoon to welcome us in. We were soon tied up and broke out the bubbly to
celebrate a successful, if rather longer than expected,