Khania in Crete

Scott-Free’s blog
Steve & Chris
Fri 12 Sep 2008 15:53
We reluctantly left
Methoni to begin the 140 mile passage to Crete. First port of call there, Khania
on the North West coast. The forecast was for light winds to begin with and so
we were pleasantly surprised to be sailing shortly after leaving. The
winds were very flukey though as we sailed between the islands, changing
direction frequently, before eventually dying away altogether. We motored
for a few hours, and then as is usually the case, the stronger winds we had been
forecast began to build just as we settled down to dinner. Having eaten,
we then set the sails for a blow,which duly came. It was a rather bumpy night
beating into winds of 20-25knots, but under a reefed main and half-furled
yankee she was not too uncomfortable and we both managed to get some sleep when
off watch.
The real excitement
of the trip was some that we could well have done without. There was a lot
of shipping around, and two vessels came uncomfortably near to us despite our
having changed course to avoid them. In one instance we had to hang
a sharp right and motor at full speed to get out of the way. Our AIS
equipment identifies the vessel and we had attempted to radio them to
make them aware of our presence, but to no avail. We have begun to
think we must be invisible, in spite of our SeaMe!
As we neared the
coast of Crete, the shipping disappeared and we were able to relax
again. Checking on our approach to Khania in the pilot book,
we found that it is a difficult harbour to enter in strong onshore
winds,which of course is what we had. Deep joy. In the event it wasn't too
bad, and we arrived just after lunch time after quite a fast passage. We were
pleased to find lazy lines on the harbour wall and so were soon moored up
bows-to on the quay.
Khania could not be
more different from Methoni if it tried. Very definitely a tourist town,
but not without some charm in its cobbled alleyway streets. It has quite a
large harbour, all surrounded by tavernas. However, you can leave
all the tourist bustle behind by turning left instead of right from the
town quay, and instead you find a quiet, relaxed atmosphere with tavernas
full of Greeks. We may dine in one of these

The lighthouse at the harbour entrance is built in
the style of a

S-F moored
amongst other yachts against the town
The harbour stretches round to the right from thetown